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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nobody can fight Jesus Christ’s battle for Him (Part II)

Saturday, April 28, 2012
What is the Christian leader’s justification for playing God, especially in this case when the name by which President Mills is called has nothing to do with the Great Commission that should be the substance of this Methodist Bishop’s concern in his propagation of the Christian faith?
Or has President Mills’ being called by that name prevented the Methodist Church from achieving its objective in Ghana?
Let’s not go into the history behind the Methodist Church because it is nothing to placard as sacrosanct. This Obuasi Methodist Bishop should know better not to rake the past. Even the present isn’t glorious for the Methodist Church.

Nobody can fight Jesus Christ’s battle for Him (Part I)

Saturday, April 28, 2012
The Bishop of the Obuasi Diocese of the Methodist Church, the Rt. Rev. Stephen R. Bosomtwi-Ayensu is reported to have warned President Mills to reject the name “Asomdwehene” or face the wrath of God. His reason? The name, which means “King of Peace,” must be used by none other than Christ.
Speaking to XYZ News, Rt. Rev. Bosomtwi-Ayensu said he is pleading with Ghanaians who continuously refer to the President as “Asomdwehene” to stop or will subject President Mills to God’s wrath (Ghanaweb, April 28, 2012).
Of all the ugly things happening in this country of late, none can be more annoying than this vain warning. I will be blunt to say upfront that this Methodist Bishop is a disgrace to Christendom.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The lesson that Kennedy Agyapong’s declaration of WAR teaches

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Kennedy Agyapong’s “declaration of WAR against Ewes and Gas” teaches very deep lessons about national consciousness that we must not gloss over in our efforts to come to grips with his chilling threat.
Indeed, I see in his effusions nothing but a misplaced political enslavement, being so much attached to his political interests that he is willing to dare the devil in defending them to the hilt. I don’t blame him at all because unless he knows the benefits that he derives from such a dogged defence of such interests, he won’t expose himself to so much danger as he has done, even to the point of wishing to die—a foolish death!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We can’t build Ghana with ANGER and mayhem

Saturday, April 21, 2012
The Kennedy Agyapong episode confirms my fears that we are not ready to build our country soon. How can we do so when everybody is angry with the other and behaves as if nothing but anger is the weapon for national reconstruction? A divided people cannot rebuild their country. That’s my beef.
Nowhere is peaceful. There is anger among and between the politicians; among the traditional rulers and between them and their people; among the clergy and their congregation; there is anger within the ranks of the political activists and between them and their political opponents; and there is an open display of anger by members of ethnic groups against others.  
To top it all, there is anger among political activists against President Mills and his government; and functionaries of the government haven’t hidden their anger against those opponents. Otherwise, why all the insults and open threats of physical acts? Or the direct physical assaults (at Odododiodio, for instance)?
No matter what the cause may be, the spate of anger is troubling. It is more so now that everything in Ghana has been politicized. Gradually but steadily, we are getting close to the edge of the precipice.
When a people become overwhelmed with anger, they do only one thing—fight! And fighting causes destruction, not nation building. That is the danger in our body politic today and it threatens to worsen.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why supporting Rawlings is a waste of time and energy…

Saturday, April 7, 2012
As a follow-up to my article on Rawlings, entitled “Let’s leave Rawlings alone to thrive on risks, not peace…,” I explore further why I don’t think that supporting Rawlings has any benefit for us.
Mind you, I am not condemning en bloc the ideals undergirding his politics, especially those that emphasize patriotism and a conscientious use of our resources for the good of society (couched as “probity and accountability”). But I don’t support his strategies for implementing those ideals, especially within the context of his abrasive politics many years after he has left office.

I have many issues to take with those still supporting Rawlings to cause confusion all over the place. What does supporting Rawlings now translate into?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Rawlings thrives on risks and anger, not peace…

Friday, April 6, 2012
It is disgraceful that the strained relationship between former President Rawlings, on the one hand, and incumbent President Mills and former President Kufuor, on the other hand, persists and continues to dominate public discourse because it hasn’t yet been resolved amicably.
By not being at peace with each other, these foremost personalities are not setting any good example, and should be told the truth. The matter is troubling, especially in the case of Rawlings and Kufuor, being the only surviving former Presidents. And being two of the three leaders we’ve had in this 4th Republic, they should have known better not to allow their ranks to be divided by who-knows-what?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ghanaian politicians: Filling God’s ears to the brim?

Thursday, April 5, 2012
This 4th Republic has revealed many intriguing things about the Ghanaian, especially those who have considered politics as their be-it-all-and-end-it-all and cannot live their lives in any other way. Whether still in government, out of it, or fighting tooth-and-nail to be in it, they can’t do without politics!
One of those intriguing things is the religious zeal, which our politicians have begun demonstrating as if they have been forewarned that they cannot realize their political ambitions without it. All of a sudden, some have become pilgrims, visiting the Biblical Promised Land for inspiration toward Election 2012.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A democracy that doesn’t give its people justice is no democracy!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
In this write-up, I isolate the country’s Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General’s Department for scrutiny. It is a major part of the problems confronting our legal and justice delivery system because its officials don’t perform their functions creditably. This Ministry should better be called a Ministry of Injustice and anything else that will paint the true picture of its incompetence.
Many negative events have occurred in this 4th Republic, especially to confirm the lousiness in that sector, which doesn’t bode well for our democracy. We see those negative events as either a deliberate attempt to frustrate justice delivery or to perpetrate injustice against people whose cases reach that Ministry.