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Thursday, July 12, 2012

More judgement debts to be paid… We are doomed!

Thursday, July 12, 2012
We have a good cause to be concerned at the damage being done to our national interests by the judgement debt problem. Having already assumed partisan political dimensions, this problem has gripped the public and will be a major campaign issue for Election 2012. Here is why:
Quantum of money paid
The government incurred GH642m million as judgment debts between 2001 and 2011, a Deputy Minister of Information, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, was quoted as saying. Out of the amount, GH 117 million was paid in 2009, GH276 million in 2010 and GH 231 million in 2011 (Myjoyonline, July 12, 2012). Is this how to spend public funds?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Democracies don’t grow this way…

Monday, July 9, 2012
The governments that have ruled under the ambit of this 1992 constitution have found adroit means to circumvent some aspects of the constitution or to implement them solely for political expediency. By being bold to establish the Constitution Review Commission to collect and collate views from Ghanaians toward amending the Constitution, the Mills government stood above its predecessors and had the support of Ghanaians for that matter. That was why not much was heard from anybody to condemn the huge expenditure made on the Commission.
At the end of the Commission’s work, however, certain developments—particularly, the government’s attitude to the Commission’s report—leave room for much to be desired. By arrogating to itself the power to cherry pick which aspects of the Commission’s report to issue a White Paper on, accepting or rejecting recommendations at will, the government isn’t giving a good account of itself.
The government’s White Paper on the report of the Constitution Review Commission is irrelevant. It is an illegality and must be condemned as such. It won’t help us grow our democracy.

The President shouldn’t frustrate local governance!!

Monday, July 9, 2012
The announcement that the government is optimistic about the benefits of having Chief Executive Officers of Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies elected is remarkable. But other aspects of that announcement reduce that optimism to absurdity.  By and large, the new approach will frustrate local governance, which is why I regard the announcement as irritating.
That announcement has many aspects but I will discuss only one, which confirms to me that those we have put in charge of our national affairs are a major part of the problems militating against our development efforts. Instead of solving problems, they either compound them or create new ones to torment us when they leave office.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nothing wrong if President Mills serves only one term

Saturday, July 7, 2012
Many voices have been heard saying that President Mills will set a record as the first incumbent to serve only one term in office. There is nothing strange about this wish; and if that is the decision of the electorate, it must be respected. Even before Election Day, it shouldn’t be difficult to tell how the wind blows.
I strongly believe that if he proves unworthy of a second term, he should be voted down. He must be responsible for his own Fate. There is nothing binding for him to be treated as was done to his predecessors (Rawlings, January 1993–2001; and Kufuor, January 2001–2009). Nothing but a credible record of performance should be the yardstick.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The National Democratic Party (NDP) on the block: Sour grapes galore

Thursday, July 6, 2012
At long last, the dust has settled for us to know how the so-called embittered elements in the NDC want to chart their political path henceforth. They have decided to form the National Democratic Party and will count on support from elements in the NDC who consider the NDC and its government as not working in their interests.
Hardly surprising.
It seems the brains behind the NDP have found an answer to their long-held problem of identity and status in the NDC and will now use the platform of this new party to do what they have up their sleeves.
Again, hardly surprising.