March 13, 2011
I have read Okoampah-Ahoofe's response (“Yes, Kufuor Has Been Vindicated In Principle!”) to my opinion piece on Kufuor's claims concerning corruption in Ghana during his rule. I regard his article as not worth my bother and will not dignify him by responding to it.
Instead, I leave him to continue displaying what has made him a laughing stock in his own Nassau Community College and anywhere else that his writing shows up.
Comments from those who read whatever he puts out there are sufficient to suggest the kind of character that he is. We are dealing with a demented, lost soul. I am not surprised that he belongs to the crap called Danquah Institute.
Here is how some readers who responded to his trash (“The Wishful Thinking of the Vice President”) assessed him:
1. are you sure you are a real professor? In America, anybody who teaches at University level is called a professor. Not so in Ghana. In Ghana, professorship is earned as a mark of academic excellence. Are you sure you are a true professor. WHat ever your answer is, I tell you a fact. You are a confusionist.
2. *Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., is Associate Professor of English, Journalism and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College of the State University of New York, Garden City. He is a Governing Board Member of the Accra-based Danquah Institute (DI) and author of “The Obama Serenades” (, 2011) and Dr. “J. B. Danquah: Architect of Modern Ghana” (, 2005). E-mail: AND SO WHAT!!!!! ? GO TO HELL!!!
3. Everybody who takes the trouble to read what you write knows you for what you are....a damn stupid disappointed Akyim tribalist masquerading as an academic at a community college.
4. You always boast of publishing your work. Tweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Who doesn't know what self-publishing entails?
You send your rusty and quaint ideas to a vanity publishing house and pay them to publish them into books that nobody reads; and you boast of that as an academic accomplishment? What a delusional fool you are, Okoampah-Ahuntan? You, stinking Akyim he-goat of a coward!!
5. Gibberish. if you want someone to write your gibberish about choose another target.our vice prez. is beyond your smear campaign. the man simply said he has hope in ghana and africa is that something you cannot comprehend.
6. It is the likes of this shameful and dangerous prof. that caused the overthrow of Dr kwame Nkrumah of blessed memory. Shame on you.
7. These are the comments from the students of the Senior Secondary school teacher Okooampa-Ahoofe: "..........terrible teacher ! spends the first hour of class completely digressing about nonsense, nothing having to do with journalism, and then have you read from the textbook for the last 15 minutes.
Doesn’t explain how to do any of the assignments and then gives you a "D+" when its incorrect. also has a thick accent that is hard to understand"
8. prof. people like you i think should stop such biases and lets move the nation forward. was prof. not on this planet when all the mess under the former administration going on? we refuse to be pulled along
9. Its always very difficult to read and understand what this man always writes. Can't somebody tell him to write for such audience as those who are not English students and English people.
We understand the simple "kofi is going to school English" and not those big fancy Queen's lands words. In the end, the article is always either not read to the end and or you get angry even before you finish reading it.
10. I am so surprised that a person with your kind of qualifications can make such arguments. You are a disgrace to academia. People like you, who are supposed to be role models for the youth.
When I started reading the article, I was like who is this until I saw "Danquah Institute" at the end of the article. "Prof" you rae indeed a disgrace to academia. Come again "Prof".
11. Ahoofe! for some reason, I now only read the comments to your articles. Initially started reading your articles but realised word index was very heavy. I am sure your English tutor would have told you to tailor your language to your audience... presentation classes will also teach you this.
Don't think you are doing any of you know what the average reading IQ is in Ghana? You write a lot of BS read the feedback from your writings and I am sure if you are wise you will learn from this
12. Prof. it will you and your readers good if you write in simple english since that is what creative writing is all about cos it does not make sense if your intended readers can't make heads or tails out of what you write.
13. What do you expect from a board/governing/whatever member of an institution which claims it does research but predicts victory for NPP by over 70% in election 2008 when it was obvious to some of us even without research and looking at past election results that it was going to be close.
I'm not surprised at all. I'm only worried abt the fact that he is degrading the image of other hardworking professors on the land
14. This man keeps repeating that the stx deal was scandalous but he did not do any cross analysis of why he thinks so save beating about the bush. Please lets get serious.
A PhD holder should be philosophical in his analysis and much as well able to adduce relative and factual evidence that support his reasoning. This man is short of that in his analysis of john mahamah's interview with the american radio station.
15. Agya Ahuofe, you seem to know everything so, I will beg you to return home to help build our dear country.
16. An apology of an associate professor
17. terrible teacher ! spends the first hour of class completely digressing about nonsense, nothing having to do with journalism, and then has you read from the textbook for the last 15 minutes. doesn't explain how to do any of the assignments and then gives you a "D+" when its incorrect. also has a thick accent that is hard to understand. 16763341
18. This man should refrain from attaching his qualifications to his writings. He is a disgrace to the teaching profession. We might be forced to collect his written articles and present them to his school authority or to the secretary of education. He must be stopped before he poisons the students under his care.
19. I am commenting to these day dreamer's article under your comment because this has been the first time i have read comments under article of which the first 10 has been against the writer. That shows how useless the masses regards this Okoampa guy.
I pity his students. He's just showcasing his vocabularly prowess. Okoampa, be mindful that Professors use basic English to communicate to the understanding of the majorities.
20. PhD Okuampa-Ahuotan don't you have anything to do with your life? If only your education to that level is to spew nonsense then you should have sat under those cocoa trees in your village. If you're sick, look for some cure, it's become unbearable to read your dullard ranting everyday without clarity for any sane person.
It seems you learnt your English language all those years to write unintelligible nonsense. Those you think you are supporting should be wise enough to stay far far away from you.
Bear in that your dumbest brains that, you don't add any value to what they are trying to portray to the nation. For your information, politics is not about disparaging people, it 's about talking about issues that will help the nation. You're too disgusting. Look for something to do with your life!!!!!
21. I suspect this guy has a mental problem. Let us not rule out insanity from this guys behaviour, becuase the vomit from Ahoofe is not normal. It is only Ahoofe who does not know Mills and Mahama are best gentlemen Ghana has ever had in its political history though I adore Former President Rawlings to the max.
23. ahofe the great? Hehehehehehe, why oga , now U download your pix? hehehehehe, it wont help you. Your titles alone are more than the article you wrote about. Hehehehehehe!
24. It has always been irresistible for anybody to read a piece from you Dr Ahoefe without knowing where your political barometer points to. Where were you when worse things happened under Kufour? Probably you have now put on your thinking cap.
Anyway, without entering into any argument with you I will like to remind you that the dance of the hen is not to reach the admiration of the hawk.
25. Handsome Beautiful Man with ' Spew Garbage Mouth'! lol...
26. Mr. Americana, please come back home and contribute to the dev. of the country. These Danquah people are getting more confused with the issues.
27. What kind of person accumulates 6 different university degrees just to teach english at a six form?
This man is a frustrated man trying to make himself look important. He has not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5 but 6 different university degrees and all he could manage to do with his 6 degrees is teach english, not even at a university.
Look at the people he hangs with. Gabby Otchere Darko who couldn't pass his law exams, Akufo Addo who had a mere pass in Economics at Legon.
28. This fool again? I wonder why joyonline keeps putting this guys work here. The english prof who cannot write simple english for his readers to understand..Just a bunch of crap without structure.
29. empty write up. u see , people like you sit in those countries and write big english on every subject and you end up writing nothing, there is no sense in what you wrote apart from giving us new vocabularies , am disappointed you are teaching English and creative writing, is that the creative writing you teach your students, hehehe, professor white bear come home and teach our farmers how to speak English, you sit there and tell us bullshit. Swine.
30. Gibberish ! What the hell are you trying to say? Mr. man... Its clear you just wanna bash the veep but am sorry u dont make any sense here. All i read is junk ,junk, junk....get a life!
The picture is clear already. I have better things to do than to waste my time and energy, locking horns in cyberspace with such a character who stands fast in his own stupidity and sees only what he thinks is good for his Akyim tribal politics.
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