December 20, 2012
if unable to overcome the shocking defeat that he suffered at the 2012 polls,
the NPP’s Akufo-Addo has chosen to chart a path that is remarkable only as a temporary
respite and not the solution to his distress. He is using this path to seek
sympathy and how to deal with the aftershocks of Election 2012.
wonder if that’s the appropriate move to make. He seems to be on a new campaign
for what he might have in his mind only. Instead of wasting time and energy
retracing his steps, it will be better for him to take his case where the NPP
has already told us is the ultimate quarters—the Supreme Court!
else will add anything new to his fate, which is already sealed and continues
to be concretized each passing day that the hanky-pankying goes on.
path that Nana Akufo-Addo is charting is ridiculous. He is going round seeking
audience with identifiable institutions to repeat what is already known: that
his party was defeated at the elections but won’t accept the results. Then, he
will repeat the tired intention to proceed to the Supreme Court to seek
more than two weeks after declaring that intention, he is still playing
hide-and-seek with Ghanaians. Why not go to court and state your arguments
instead of doing so before institutions that cannot solve the problem? This
kind of misplaced priority will compound his problem all the more.
he thinks that some soothing moralizing rhetoric can calm his nerves to help
him regain his composure and state of mind for the court appearance if the NPP
eventually succeeds in filing its case.
much beating about the bush!! Too many diversionary measures!!
talk of using the occasion to appeal for calm among his followers is a lie.
They have already done much havoc to annoy the majority who rejected him at the
polls. Is he himself calm enough to know how to behave as a loser?
are being told that he will meet with the leadership of various religious
associations today to explain to them why the party has decided not to accept
the results of the 2012 elections. He will also use the opportunity to
inform them about the measures the party is taking to address its grievances
regarding the election results.
we all not already know this issue? Or, what is particularly new about the NPP’s
stance at this stage that Akufo-Addo should be telling these religious
associations? Or he is going to seek another vision?
snuggling close to them and indulging in self-glorification for the elections,
nothing beneficial resulted. Despite the machinations against the NDC, using
the auspices of internal collaborators in such associations, all his efforts
came to naught as the Ghanaian electorate rejected him. Hasn’t Akufo-Addo yet
had that epiphanic experience not to mock God through all the guises that those
religious associations and their leaders took him through?
meeting with these associations won’t yield anything to change the equation for
him and his party. He seems not to have come to terms with reality at this
stage to know that the elections are over and that Ghanaians know their chosen
leader and are prepared to move on to the next stage. They want to see what the
NPP wants to do at the Supreme Court, not to listen to trite, tired, and
unproductive statements justifying the riotous behaviour of the NPP
he met with the leadership of the Trades Union Congress, explaining that
evidence available to the party shows the results put out by the Electoral
Commission are not a true reflection of the votes cast on December 7.
amount of hob-nobbing with all these associations and their leaders will solve
any problem for him. Go to Court, Akufo-Addo!!
Akufo-Addo’s place-holding manouevres add more fun to the “Concert Party” performance, led by the chief comedian himself, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, General Secretary of the NPP.
Akufo-Addo’s place-holding manouevres add more fun to the “Concert Party” performance, led by the chief comedian himself, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, General Secretary of the NPP.
saw him in his true element when he spoke at the Abbey Park, Kumasi, last
Tuesday and “summoned Afari-Gyan, the Electoral Commission (EC) boss before
God” for allegedly, rigging the polls in favour of the ruling NNDC. He noted
that Dr. Afari-Gyan’s name would forever be attached to rigging in Ghana
politics following his decision to stoop low to rig the 2012 polls in favour of
the NDC.
To raise the “Concert Party” rendition to its highest level of absurdity, he said the NDC rigged the polls across the country, including areas that were deemed as NPP strongholds. He claimed that the NDC managed to rig the polls at Manhyia Constituency in Kumasi, a stronghold of the NPP, saying “the NDCs figure of 96 at a certain polling station was changed to whopping 996.”
He said if the NDC was able to rig the polls and change figures at areas perceived as NPP strongholds then “what would happen to the votes that the NDC would get in the Volta Region which is the ruling party’s stronghold?”
To raise the “Concert Party” rendition to its highest level of absurdity, he said the NDC rigged the polls across the country, including areas that were deemed as NPP strongholds. He claimed that the NDC managed to rig the polls at Manhyia Constituency in Kumasi, a stronghold of the NPP, saying “the NDCs figure of 96 at a certain polling station was changed to whopping 996.”
He said if the NDC was able to rig the polls and change figures at areas perceived as NPP strongholds then “what would happen to the votes that the NDC would get in the Volta Region which is the ruling party’s stronghold?”
these claims not warrant a speedy recourse to the Supreme Court instead of this
“lorgorligi” snail’s pace in dealing with the matter? Does it not rule out any
search for moralization or pontification as Akufo-Addo has chosen to do?
he thinks that going round repeating these worn-out accusations will get him
back into the groove, he is deceived. Ghanaians have already made their choice
and will only laugh him to scorn if he returns to them in this mood, behaving
as if he is still on the electioneering campaign trail. Or is he already
dreaming of 2016? He had better think twice because the tsunami that swept him
off his feet at Election 2012 hasn’t subsided yet.
more he encourages his followers to cause trouble here and there as he himself
digs in, the more likely it is that the NPP will not choose him for the 2016
elections. At this point, his political sun has set and he should accept his
fate in earnest. The painful truth for him is that the Supreme Court will not
solve his problem either. His fate is sealed, water/air-tight and he needs go
no further than the Supreme Court to be told where he lies.
shall return…
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