July 23, 2013
We continue our discussion of
reasons why some elements in the society will prefer to align with the NPP and
not the NDC, as is evident in the allegations from the NDC quarters against
leaders of identifiable civil society organizations for hiding behind their
organizations to do politics in favour of the NPP. We have identified some
factors to buttress our arguments on those allegations.
4. Other factors
There are many other factors,
some of which have to do with the very militant nature of the NDC (of course,
tracing its origin to the military savagery that brought it into being under
the Rawlings euphoric governance style), which repels some sections of the populace.
Victims of the “unprecedented revolutionary action” of June 4 and 31st
December are still nursing their grievances and infecting others with their
anti-NDC sentiments.
The practical reality of the
situation under which some have suffered adversely as a result of the
government’s draconian policies scares other segments of the population away
from the NDC’s cause.
Some also consider the NDC as not a political party worth
their bother because it sprang out of one man’s morbid desire to rule Ghanaian
according to his own “dreams” (and after nearly 20 years on the throne, the
situation didn’t change for the better. Thus, despite the killing of those
accused of plundering the economy or committing other anti-state activities,
the situation at the end of Rawlings’ rule wasn’t any better. Corruption has,
thus, remained a major national canker).
Those castigating leaders of
civil society groups, the clergy, journalists, chiefs, and all others
identified as sympathizers of the NPP should spare us their noise and help
solve the problems that turn such people away from the NDC. Instead of
complaining, they should help re-strategize to make the party attractive.
The NDC leaders can tackle these
problems and re-engineer the party to attract followers if they and re-direct
their energies and resources toward refining their strategies for the political
game. The rough edges that repel people should be smoothed and better
strategies devised for that purpose. The days of “TAKASHI” are over, and must
not be revisited. That understanding and change in outlook should be effected
through in-house conscientization/sensitization exercises.
That is why a proper approach
toward membership drive must be adopted. Indeed, the party’s leaders themselves
have to be more amenable to change and must ensure that the factors that
promote in-fighting are eliminated. One major factor is the murderous greed and
insensitivity to the plight of the party’s foot-soldiers on the part of those
leading the party.
As I have already hinted at, it
is clear that the benefits of party work don’t trickle down to reach the
foot-soldiers. Even the crumbs that are expected to fall from the high tables
for them to pick up don’t.
One will be mistaken not to admit
that the NPP does better in this regard. Just consider the fact that under
Kufuor, there seemed to be a tacit agreement by which the benefits trickled
down the line to reach many. The sharks took their lion’s share but left the
crumbs for the small fries to enjoy. The fact is that no matter what happened,
the NPP leaders didn’t hide their activities. If they went for the spoils of
politics, they did so in the open and boasted of their acquisition. Did they
not boast of their landed property and others?
On the contrary, it seems the NDC
hawks are more eager to snatch everything with their talons than bending over
to make room for others beneath their upper rungs on the ladder. They behave as
if the benefits of politics are reserved for them alone. They strive hard to
cover their tracks, fearing to leave behind any trace that might expose them as
thieves. Of course, aren’t they haunted by the “revolutionary spirit” that
swept some off their feet many years ago?
They know how not to expose their
deals; but from the goings-on (the judgement debt payments, the corrupt
practices being revealed at SADA, GYEEDA, NHIS, and many others), we know that
they are even not the angels that they might portray themselves. Their problem,
however, is that they don’t have the spirit of sharing, which clearly separates
them from the NPP. And which is why they can’t prevent those they are accusing
now of shunning their party for the NPP. I am being brazen here and don’t have
any regrets for being so.
I have also observed that the NDC
can easily neutralize the NPP’s machinations if its leaders and activists adopt
better strategies than what they have been using all these years. Take, for
instance, what happens in the various districts, municipalities, and
metropolises, where the Chief Executives are more poised to lock horns with
anybody with dissenting opinions and strategies for local governance.
Many instances of their total
disrespect for the traditional leaders and public figures and opinion leaders
have occurred, leading to demonstrations against the government or the causing
of disaffection among the people. Such government functionaries can’t win
support for the NDC or the government if they turn themselves into matadors
goring every “cow” they come across. They must be educated properly on how to
attract goodwill and not alienate the people. The spate of demonstrations
against the President’s nominees for those positions is another example of how
the lack of consultation creates problems for the party. The right thing isn’t
being done.
No amount of shouting themselves
hoarse will solve the problem. The fundamental problems that repel people from
the NDC must be identified and tackled. Then, concerted efforts must be made to
solve those problems to make the party more attractive.
For instance, instead of standing
toe-to-toe with political opponents or critics to exchange hard words, the
party’s activists can be diplomatic in reacting to criticism. Blatant and
outright uncouth behaviour won’t win anybody’s heart.
Respect for authority is another
area. In most areas of the country, those in the NDC still wear their so-called
“revolutionary fervour” on their sleeves and carry themselves in a manner as to
alienate people. They can’t understand that times have changed and that doing
politics successfully in contemporary times calls for dialogue and
rapport/rapprochement and not head-butting. Of course, old traditions die hard.
Having emerged from the militancy that ushered Rawlings into office, these
“cadres” are at pains to shed their spots. Well, the tiger/leopard/cheetah in
them is still active, but its impact isn’t beneficial and must be toned down.
The party/government must find
better ways to conscientize its followers. Diplomacy does it all. Consultation
at all levels should be enforced so that unity can be attained and group work
encouraged for the good of the party.
If these problems are not
tackled, they will continue to nag the party and make it unattractive. In that
sense, then, those who are not well disposed toward it will dig in and make
pronouncements and take actions to the detriment of the NDC. What has been
identified by Dr. Percy may be just one of those strategies. The good old adage
(“A stitch in time saves nine”) still holds good. And for the NDC, it must
serve as a forewarning for which to be forearmed.
I shall return…
me on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/mjkbokor
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