November 10, 2014
Folks, for as long as we in
Africa cannot separate the trees from the forest, we will continue to be at the
receiving end of all kinds of schemes detrimental to our territorial integrity
and aspirations in life. We are persistently crying over the scourge of
centuries of colonization, enslavement, and exploitation but cannot think
deeply enough about issues to solve our existential problems. We continue to
jump on each other in a needless and bizarre dog-eat-dog gridlock while those
who know how to exploit the situation sneak through to maximize dividends.
For how long must we continue to
be the architects of our own plight? Take the massive influx of the Chinese
into territories, including Ghana, where they engage in activities detrimental
to the interests of the host countries. Yet our governments cannot do anything
to secure national interests. They either connive with these undesirables or
just sit back, unconcerned at the harm being caused by them.
Just consider the numerous
problems confronting us in this century—as happened in previous centuries—and
you shouldn’t be surprised to know that we are really lost in the scheme of
things in this world. With all the natural and human resources at our disposal,
we still cannot lift ourselves out of the doldrums just because we have no idea
how to solve problems. In failing to improve our lot, we expose ourselves to
all kinds of manouevres that favour outsiders.
new is emerging to confirm that we are lost: “Tens of thousands of stateless people in Kuwait —known
as Bidun—could be offered citizenship of the Comoros islands off Africa, an
official says.
The senior
interior ministry official told a local newspaper that the Bidun would be given
special applications for economic citizenship in the Comoros. He said those who
accepted would receive residence permits in Kuwait.
More than
100,000 Bidun claim Kuwaiti nationality but are considered illegal residents by
the government. (Read it all here:
Can this issue ever be
rationalized by anybody wishing to know why people born and raised in Kuwait
can be declared as “stateless” and be dumped in a part of Africa to become
legitimate citizens of the new territory? How can this be possible? So, being
stateless in Kuwait can just be neutralized by being dumped in the Comoros and
a cover of citizenship carved for the beneficiaries? Inconceivable. Only in
Africa can that brazen disregard be tolerated!!
What is it about the Bidun
that makes them “undesirables” in Kuwait? And why should the Comoros now become
their safe haven and provide them the opportunity to re-engineer themselves
into “desirables”?
In the first place, who are
these Bidun? Where did they come from? Where have they been as human beings
(black, white, or albino?) and why are they not considered as fit to be Kuwaiti
citizens to be accorded all the respect and dignity that every human should
have? Where is the United Nations (its 1948 Declaration of Fundamental Human
Rights in view)?
And why should the Comoros be
the destination for these undesirables? Does the Comoros have a functioning
government? If it does, what can be the reason for the government’s consent to
have these stateless Bidun dumped in the Comoros to be invested with
citizenship and dignity as human beings? Where will their allegiance lie? To
Kuwait (now that they would be legitimized as human beings born and raised in
Kuwait) or the Comoros (the receptacle for this trans-cultural nonsense)? Too
many disturbing questions!!
If what is afoot is not a new
form of colonization of an African territory, then, what else is? And if the
intention materializes, what next will Kuwait or any other country do to rid
themselves of problems that they cannot solve?
We recall the role of the Arab
world in the obnoxious Trans-Saharan Slave Trade and the magnified
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. What is it that makes these Arabs consider
themselves superior to Africans? Too annoying for further analysis!!
I shall return…
me on Facebook at: to continue
the conversation.
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