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Monday, February 25, 2013

The NPP meets its own ghost at the Supreme Court

Monday, February 25, 2013
Folks, you might have heard it already to know why the NPP is in court. The pond is gradually drying up and the fish must know how to behave; otherwise, it will soon be out of water. And you know what a fish-out-of-water is, right?
The NPP says it is afraid of collapsing as a result of losing Election 2012; hence Akufo-Addo’s dashing into the dark chambers of the Supreme Court for redemption to have grips on himself and help the NPP remain intact. The ghosts are gradually emerging one after the other to scare their owners!!
After dancing around in circles, putting up appearances and intensifying their game of calculated deception, the NPP leaders are now emerging from their closet to reveal why they rushed to court—and are taking every measure to remain there as the last resort.

I said it long ago that these NPP leaders are unconscionably pursuing the court option as an intricate exit strategy to avoid being eaten alive by their own followers whom they have deceived all along and turned into footballs to kick around on the political landscape. Unfortunately, they can’t continue telling lies and hiding behind this smokescreen any more.
Kwame Pianim’s voice of reason has torn their safety net. Here is what they’ve been hiding all along:
“The Director of Communications of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akomea has hinted the party will collapse if it does not pursue its court case against President John Mahama.
He said the NPP owes it a duty to it members to challenge the election results to its logical conclusion even if the Supreme Court does not reverse the verdict in its favour.
Nana Akomea was reacting to comments by Kwame Pianim asking the NPP to rescind its boycotts and fully return to Parliamentary business.
The elder statesman of the NPP in an interview with Africawatch magazine said the party’s national executives are exhibiting “intellectual and mental laziness.” Rather than going to court, Kwame Pianim urged the NPP to accept the verdict no matter how bitter it is and move on” (Myjoyonline, Feb. 25, 2013).
Even though they’ve begun descending on Kwame Pianim as they did to Charles Wereko-Brobby, his truth stands tall; and it will be a major hurdle for Akufo-Addo and his followers to attempt jumping. I hope they don’t crack their shins.
One can tell from the manner in which the NPP’s legal team has been approaching the court case that it is just a ruse. It is a ploy for other things that Akufo-Addo and his backers don’t want to reveal to the mass of the party’s followers. Kwame Pianim has forced the cat out of the bag now!!
The very shoddy manner in which they put together their first petition (miscalculating figures and totaling them wrongly—whether deliberately done or not—and the volume of allegations alone were enough to tell me that they were not really interested in seeing their lawsuit determined expeditiously, contrary to their loud-mouthed utterances.
Then, they revised that petition, raising the number of polling stations where they claimed irregularities occurred at Election 2012 from 4,709 to 11,916, making it incumbent on them as ordered by the Supreme Court to furnish the President, the Electoral Commission, and NDC the NDC with “detailed and better particulars.”
As if that was not enough to frustrate the determination of the case, they dumped voluminous documents on the respondents. When I saw the picture of what they had claimed was their “water-tight evidence,” I laughed out loud for long. How could they expect the respondents and the Supreme Court to meticulously go through those stacks of voluminous documents to be able to determine the case expeditiously?
While imposing so much a burden on all those parties involved in the lawsuit, they went behind them to start clamouring for their case to be heard speedily. You see, they’ve maintained their noise-making and issuing of empty threats, knowing very well that the dragging of the course will be their own making and not the Court’s.
The inescapable fate awaiting them will definitely strike them numb. Whether their court case will cause the party to collapse or not will soon begin being known. As the voices of reason emerge to force them to admit their hidden agenda, we will keep monitoring events and throw in our viewpoints. We don’t care how anybody takes it.
The truth is only ONE; it is a lie that has many varieties. And once a lie begins being told, it must continue to be told until the TRUTH takes over to throw everything of theirs out of gear. We wait for that moment!
The NPP leaders fear the collapse of their party after losing the Presidential elections and have sought refuge in the dark chambers of the Supreme Court. Now, they are being smoked out by the voices of reason. How could they hope to prevent the collapse of their party by doing what is rather causing that collapse?
Some of us have been smart enough to read deeper meanings into all their manouevres to conclude that they are set only to mislead their benighted supporters who have been pushed around thus far to believe that their party did win the elections but was robbed by the Electoral Commission to favour President Mahama.
We have pointed out all the inconsistencies in the NPP legal team’s arguments, allegations, quantum of so-called “water-tight evidence” and are ready to open more cans of worms in that party.
We haven’t hesitated at all in pointing out that what Akufo-Addo, Obetsebi-Lamptey, and Bawumia are doing is a calculated exit strategy. We haven’t ceased to poke fun at them. Having allowed them to digest their tissue of lies in their own bodies, we have given them the long rope with which to hang themselves, which they’ve begun doing.
What other SECRET behind their decision to rush to the Supreme Court for salvation (not necessarily because Akufo-Addo will be declared the winner of Election 2012 but to serve as the “shock absorber” for them and deflect any attempt by their now disillusioned followers to pounce on them in revenge for their massive deception) will they reveal under pressure from voices of reason in the party?
The boomerang effect is already manifesting, and the Akufo-Addo camp is uneasy, feeling the heat already. I said it along ago that Ghanaians put the elections behind them as soon as evidence confirmed by the EC proved that they had chosen their leader.
And the inauguration of President Mahama sealed Akufo-Addo’s doom. But he won’t accept matters lying down in peace; hence, his standing on his feet at the Supreme Court all this while for respite. He won’t get any respite, especially now that the voices of reason are mounting pressure from within. Will he do the honourable thing to withdraw his petition?
I bet you, if the Supreme Court orders a re-run of the Presidential elections today, the NPP’s Akufo-Addo will commit suicide at the outcome. Anybody dare to challenge me? Bring it on!!
I shall return…
·         E-mail: mjbokor@yahoo.com
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